AEE2048:Angry Versus Frustrated - What's the Difference?
Angry Versus Frustrated - What's the Difference?
🔺 vocabulary
💭exclusive adj. 專有的、專用的
This room is for the exclusive use of guests. 這間房是專供客人使用的。
💭definition n. 定義
A dictionary definition. 詞典中的定義。
💭equate v 等同、相等
He complained that there was a tendency to equate right-wing politics with self-interest.
💭sophistication n. 老練、精密
The sophistication of computer is increasing. 電腦的精密程度越來越高。
💭parallel adj. 平行的
Hills Road is parallel to Mill Road. 希爾斯路和米爾路平行。